It’s easy to track your order, from the moment your shopper starts shopping until the moment it arrives at your door.

For best results, download the latest version of the Instacart app for iOS or Android.

Order status

You can check your order status via the Instacart app or website. 

In the app—

  1. Tap Account at the bottom of your screen.
  2. Tap Orders.
  3. Select an order to view its status.

On the website—

  1. Click the 3 horizontal lines in the upper left corner. 
  2. Click Orders.
  3. Click on an order to view its status.

Tracking your order in progress

When your shopper begins working on your order, you’ll see a message in the Instacart app. You also get a notification if you turn them on. 

  1. Select the 3 horizontal lines in the upper left corner.
  2. Select Your orders.
  3. Select See Shopped Items to view found items and changes like replacements and refunds.
  4. You can Approve changes or choose Other options for each item.

Want to chat with your shopper? Tap the Chat link at the top of the screen to let them know if you want to add items to your order or make other changes. Note you can't add certain items, such as alcohol,* after you place your order.

*Delivery of alcoholic beverages or prescription products is not available at all retailers, markets, territories, provinces, or postal codes.

Tracking your delivery in progress

When it’s time for delivery, you’ll see a message in the Instacart app’s order screen. You also get a notification if you turn them on.

The delivery screen includes an estimated time of arrival and a map you can tap to follow the driver’s progress.

Need to give your driver last-minute delivery instructions? Scroll to the bottom of the delivery screen and tap Chat with shopper. (For safety reasons, drivers might not reply while en route.)